Experience the dawn of a brand-new community driven TTRPG audio immersion tool
Our Quest
“Imagine a world in which every story you tell has the soundtrack it deserves.”
Ambient Sphere aims to offer immersive audio for storytelling games. We want to empower users to create, customize, and share their own story soundtracks. Join our community and help us build a platform that caters to all your audio needs, no matter what genre you play. Ambient Sphere is the place where your story can come to life.
Discover Ambient Sphere
Audio tailored for your game
Managing audio during the game can be tricky as you never know what your players are going to do.
With Ambient Sphere, however, you are always prepared. Change the entire atmosphere with the single click of a button. Each combination can have its own unique playlist, sound effects, and ambiance. Thus you never need to worry about the details and can focus on telling your story.
Dynamic Audio
With our computer game-inspired audio engine, all sound sets can be carefully crafted and dynamically played. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in a never-repeating atmosphere.
Extensive Library
Every story is unique, and so are the audio needs. But don't worry, we've got you covered. With a constantly growing audio library, we aim to provide you with the perfect sound for whatever game you play.
Partnership Program for ArtistsThe Ambient Sphere audio library is powered by a growing list of artists. We are always looking to expand, with a partnership program that focuses on providing value for everyone involved. If you are an artist and this sounds interesting to you, feel free to contact us:partner@ambientsphere.com
Join the Quest
With Ambient Sphere Premium, you gain access to our entire library and can craft the perfect soundtrack for your adventure.
We are establishing our community hub over on Discord. Join us there to embark on this journey together!
About Us
The only thing we love more than hearing a good story is creating one. That’s why we cherish tabletop role-playing so much. We always wanted to bring storytelling to the next level. Audio proved to be the right tool for the job. That’s how the idea of Ambient Sphere was born.
But we wanted more. We wanted to give something back to the wonderful role-playing community. Why not pass the power to create immersive soundtracks to you? We want everyone to be able to create just the perfect ambiance for their story. We want everyone to enjoy the magic that is audio. To bring every story to life.
We dedicate this to you.
~ the party
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ambient Sphere?
Ambient Sphere is an audio streaming platform specifically designed for tabletop role-playing games and immersive storytelling. We aim to provide Game Masters with a tool that allows them to easily create rich audio environments that perfectly suit every situation in their game.
Why should I join the community now?
Ambient Sphere is in its very early stages. As a result, the platform itself doesn’t allow for much community interaction as of yet. However, joining now gives you all the more chances to affect where this journey is going. We want to involve you in the process, let you participate where its possible and ultimately share this adventure with you.
How much does it cost?
The current Alpha version is completely free, as we want to hear your feedback while we tailor this tool for the needs of the community. Once the product reaches a sufficient state, we plan to transition to a subscription based model. This enables us to expand our audio library and continuously develop our service – while also being able to pay our bills.
Will Ambient Sphere work on my device?
Ambient Sphere is currently being developed as a web application. It should run on any modern browser on notebooks and desktop computers. Due to technical limitations, we are unable to support mobile devices as of yet (feel free to try, though). Once we grow, we plan to officially support mobile devices as well by providing custom apps in their respective app stores.
When will I be able to create Atmospheres for my own adventures?
The editor is the biggest feature of the whole platform. It is quite complex and has to be integrated well with a lot of different parts of our service. Therefore it takes a lot of time and effort to develop it. Sadly, we have to currently prioritize other parts of the service. Rest assured, however, that we deem the editor as a central piece of our platform and it will arise as soon as we have the capacity to implement it.
Will it be possible to play remotely?
The current Alpha version unfortunately doesn’t support remote play yet. However, the feature is on our road-map. In the full release version, you should be able to let your players listen in to your Ambient Sphere session.
Can I stream the audio to an online streaming service like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, etc.?
We have plans to provide support for using Ambient Sphere in actual-play streams. The plan is to provide stream-ready audio packages and atmospheres on our platform, that are safe to use on stream. However, the implementation hinges on individual audio licensing conditions. Currently we are unable to state a specific time frame for the arrival of such features.
I love the idea, can I work for Ambient Sphere?
There is so much to do, so we are always grateful for helping hands. Feel free to contact us at contact@ambientsphere.com